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유아기 차 명상 프로그램이 정서안정에 미치는 효과

Effects of Childhood Difference Meditation Program on Emotional Stability

  • 21

Meditation is used in various ways today for psychopathological healing purposes. In particular, since 2019, when the world started the Pandemic War with Corona 19 (COVID-19) began, utilization is increasing more at a time when it is affecting daily life and individual life. The 21-year-old's psychological pain is that he is suffering from the phobia phenomenon, a psychological airport state, along with a non-face-to-face society called Untact. Personal survival competition has become more intense, and the stress accumulated in the living quarters has led to various social problems. Sociologists and scientists are using meditation as one of the solutions to this phenomenon to encourage the psychological healing of modern people. This study found that the emotions of early childhood play an important role in making human life happy. In addition, emotional anxiety or violence viewed individual problems caused by the incomplete formation of emotional attachment as a social phenomenon. Therefore, it is decided to study the effect of the emotions of infants on personality. The benefits of tea efficacy and meditation were found to help children adjust to social life on their own and to help them train their emotions through cooperation and play among peers in infancy. Early Childhood Difference Meditation Program is an effective program that can have the right personality during growth due to emotional stability and increased self-esteem.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 유아 성장발달과 정서적 관계

Ⅲ. 차 명상 프로그램

Ⅳ. 차 명상 교육 효과

Ⅴ. 결 론

