This argument is to find a definition, history, a process of development and distribution of Puer tea. In addition, it identifies the 3 requirements of the outstanding Puer tea that are basic from many conditions. At first, Puer tea reveals features of the green tea, gradually reveals features of the yellow tea, bai cha, qing cha and black tea. The last time reveals features of the black tea. The first of these 3 major requirements for Muryang puer tea is clean and good raw materials (assamica) made by Yunnan. The second seems to be simply divided into raw and fermented tea according to the processing technology, but yin and yang coexists with each other in the two border and imply the world. Sheng Cha is a post-fermented tea that evolved more than 20years. Shu Cha goes through a ‘pile fermentation’ in which pre-fermentation is performed. In this process, it appeared beneficial bacteria and harmful bacterial were detected in the ‘pile fermentation’ and steriled. So, There were doubts whether further research should be conducted on whether the good ingredients of the sterilized Suk Cha will continue to evolve like Sheng tea. The third is the scientific storage method for the Puer tea. The humidity should be less than 70%, the temperature should be about 25 , the environment should be clean and well ventilated, ℃ and there should be no odor.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 보이차의 개요
Ⅲ. 우수한 보이차 3대조건
Ⅳ. 나가는 말