Morooka Tamotsu is a scholar who discovered and studied the history and distribution of tea in Korea as well as Cheongtaejeon which was almost forgotten in the cultural history of the tea and recorded its results in foseon 's Tea and Zen by visiting the places with leiri kazuo who was a secretary in a forestry experiment station under Forest Service Department of the Ministry of Forest Service in Jeollanam-do in the late Japanese occupation period. It is remarkable to publish the first research paper and a book that explained and systematized Korean tea culture by looking at more deeply in a period when the tea life and academic aspects of our tea culture, which was about to be extinct, were extremely depressed, even though it was written by foreigners. foseon 's Tea and Zen and Morooka have important meaning to our tea cultural history, and the book is very valuable given that it described our tea culture in Japanese colonial period by investigating it on the site. The identity of Korea tea is in rice cake tea. Morooka must have been very surprised finding Korean rice cake tea when he was searching for the tea made by the how to make method in The Classic of Tea. He convinced that our rice cake tea is tea that is based on tea recipe, how to boil and how to drink described in The Classic of Tea during Tang Dynasty. He reviewed the literature on tea throughout NARA to Heian Period, and carefully revealed that he became to believe the possibility that the tea culture of Tang Dynasty had affected Japan. And this reasoning is apparently being recognized today. Joseon 's Tea and Zen created by academic efforts of Morooka allows us to see tea culture and lifestyles of the time in our tea cultural history. Even if there is insidious intention of Japanese in that, this book is a very valuable material for us for today. There are phrase that said “tea produced in this placeOeonnam) never fall behind compared to Japanese tea.” and “Tea is originated from Buddhism, so Joseon is home to the tea”. There are not sufficient records on our tea industry and culture at that time. This is why it is also important to research about Morooka who had such a thought as the literature called Joseon's Tea and Zen.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 『朝群의 茶와 輝』의 개요
Ⅲ. 한국의 차문화에 미친 영향과 가치
Ⅳ. 결론