Increasing the types of the Korean tea is to expand the choice of teas that consumers can drink, and it is believed that it can contribute to the expansion of the tea population, so I tried to find the Korean traditional teas which seem to be available today from the mixed teas recorded in ancient Korean culinary manuscripts. As a method, I studied only about the teas among the Korean traditional beverages shown in the old cook books such as Jeungbosallimgyungje, Gosasibijib, Imwonsiblyukjib, Goonhakhoideung. As the result of the study, 23 kinds of blended tea could be found including Yujacha(Citrus tea) which is still being consumed. Among them, I chose Googicha(Chinese matrimony vina tea), Gookhwacha(Chrysanthemum tea), Gigookcha, Ganggyulcha, and Cheongcheonbaekseokcha, which are possible to recreate and drink nowadays and introduced the recipes and functional effects based on the original texts. The mixed teas revived from the old cook books will be able to be reborn as Korea's unique teas that are loved by many health-conscious consumers for the recipes to make the best taste of old teas and the functional effects such as releasing the free radicals that accumulate in our body, preventing the aging of our skin, activating liver cells to help with eye health, helping release sodium, lower blood pressure, generate energy and strengthening the kidney and blood vessels, asthma treatment and preventing dementia.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 본론
Ⅲ. 결론