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국제차문화과학회 표지 1.jpg

중국 안차(安茶)의 제다와 효능에 관한 시론

A preliminary discussion on the production and efficacy of Chinese Ancha (安茶)

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Tea has evolved beyond a simple beverage of choice in modern life, establishing itself as a functional health drink. This research aims to explore the processing and benefits of Ancha, a type of Chinese dark tea. In China, Ancha has gained consistent popularity in the tea market among specific regions and social classes due to its long history and efficacy. The two main characteristics of Ancha are its unique processing method known as “Ya Luo” and its aging (fermentation) process. This study will examine how the Ya Luo processing method contributes to Ancha's quality, mass characteristics, and pharmacological health functions. Furthermore, while other types of tea are often preferred fresh, Ancha is valued more as a premium tea when it has been aged for at least three years or has undergone long-term aging. This study aims to deeply investigate the reasons behind this preference, focusing on how Ancha's aging conditions and fermentation period affect its quality and efficacy.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 안차의 기원과 역사적 발전

Ⅲ. 생산과 소비

Ⅳ. 안차의 제다 방법

Ⅴ. 결론

