Prescription Patterns of Intramuscular Medication for Psychomotor Agitation: A Survey of Italian Psychiatrists
Prescription Patterns of Intramuscular Medication for Psychomotor Agitation: A Survey of Italian Psychiatrists
- 대한정신약물학회
- Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience
- Vol.22 No.2
- 2024.05
- 376 - 382 (7 pages)
Objective: Intramuscular medications are widely used to treat psychomotor agitation (PMA) in uncooperative patients. We evaluated knowledge and attitude towards guidelines and the prescribing patterns in a sample of Italian psychiatrists. Methods: A structured 28-item questionnaire was submitted to psychiatrists of Italian Departments of Mental Health. We considered 8 clinical scenarios of PMA. For comparing two qualitative variables Chi-square tests were performed. Results: One hundred thirty-four psychiatrists completed the survey. The use of a monotherapy is significatively higher (p < 0.05) over a dual therapy in all clinical scenarios except PMA due to Mood Disorder and Psychotic Disorders, whereas the use of a polytherapy is significatively higher (p < 0.05) in PMA due to Mood Disorders and Psychotic Disorders. The use of second-generation antipsychotic (SGAs) as monotherapy over first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs) is significantly higher (p < 0.05) in PMA due to Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulants. The use of SGAs over FGAs in polytherapy is significantly higher (p < 0.05) in PMA due to CNS stimulants. Knowledge of guidelines results 67.1% and significatively higher (p < 0.05) among those who prefer SGAs as monotherapy rather than FGAs in PMA due to Intellectual Disability, CNS depressants and Delirium. Knowledge of guidelines results significatively higher (p < 0.05) among those who prefer SGAs rather than FGAs in polytherapy in PMA due to Mood disorders. Conclusion: This survey reports variation in prescribing patterns for medication used to treat PMA. While SGAs are often prescribed as first choice following the more recent guidelines, FGAs and multi-drug solutions seem to be still a popular solution.