Rockefeller Center houses over 100 pieces of art. The Board of Directors established an Art Program to consistently manage a vast array of works, choosing 'New Frontier' as the guiding theme. An analysis of the public art within the context of social and economic values reveals that most artworks reflect the industrialism of the U.S. <The Fauntain of Youth> highlights the historical origins of the U.S. in the West, showcasing indigenous cultures and the natural environment as central to American identity. Architectural sculptures throughout the area reflect the diverse cultures of American immigrants, while artworks depicting men using tools not only enhance our understanding of the relationship between humans and technology but also symbolize the industrial era in the U.S. The choice of 'Frontier' as the art theme, the involvement of key figures in the construction of Rockefeller Center who were connected to the U.S. government, and the historical context of the times all contribute to this strong reflection of American character. In essence, the public art at Rockefeller Center not only reveals the ideological identity of the U.S. but also captures the symbolic essence of the era, marked by emerging technologies and industries.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 미국적인 테마
Ⅲ. 기업 프런티어와 산업주의 표상
Ⅳ. 결론