Classical Chinese Architecture
Classical Chinese Architecture
The series of classical Chinese architectural works aims to present my deep affection and attachment to the magnificent landscapes of our motherland. It focuses on several architectural marvels that hold a special place in my heart. Among them, Classical Architecture 1 and 2 showcase the grandeur of the Forbidden City in Beijing. This historic palace, steeped in rich cultural heritage, has been a constant source of inspiration and enlightenment for me. Classical Architecture 3 captures the grace of East Lake in Wuhan, with its unique charm and the interplay of light and shadow on the water and hills, portraying a different kind of beauty and serenity through the lens. As for Classical Architecture 4, it freezes the elegance of the Zhanqiao Pier in Qingdao. This bridge between the city and the sea carries a distinctive historical significance while exuding a strong maritime cultural ambiance. Through this series of works, my aim is to evoke a resonance among viewers with the beauty of traditional Chinese architecture and to showcase my profound emotional connection and love for the architectural culture of our motherland.
中国古典建筑系列作品旨在呈现我对祖国大好河山的深情厚谊,集中展现了几座我特别钟爱的建筑。其中,古典建筑 1和 2 呈现的是北京故宫的壮丽宏伟,这座历史悠久的宫殿承载着丰厚的文化底蕴,为我带来了无尽的启发与感悟。而古典建筑 3 则是武汉东湖的倩影,其独特的风貌和湖光山色在镜头下展现出别样的美丽和神韵。至于古典建筑 4,则定格了青岛栈桥的风采,这座连接城市与海洋的纽带,既有着独特的历史渊源,又展现了浓厚的海洋文化氛围。通过这一系列作品,我希望能够唤起观者对中国传统建筑之美的共鸣,同时展现我对祖国建筑文化的深厚情感与热爱。