This study presents an overview of the generational language attitudes of 58 Korean Paraguayans living in Asunción, Paraguay. The survey and interview items were divided into Korean language usage, determinants of language choice, unconscious language attitudes, and impressions of language. The results show that the identity of Korean expatriates toward the identity of their country of residence has changed across the generations. However, compared to the language attitudes of Brazilian expatriates in Latin America, we found that Korean was well preserved and transmitted in the Paraguayan Korean community. We also found that, although the identity of expatriates changed to that of their country of residence in the second generation, more than 50% of expatriates had maintained a Korean identity.
1. 머리말
2. 조사 대상 및 조사 방법
3. 파라과이 재외 동포의 언어 태도 분석
4. 맺음말