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KCI등재 학술저널

베스트셀러와 한정판 상품의 판매촉진 기간 일치성 효과에 대한 탐색적 연구

Exploring Promotion Duration Congruence for Best-Seller vs. Limited Edition Products

DOI : 10.21871/KJFM.2024.
  • 51

Purpose: Despite the popularity of sales promotion as one of the key marketing tactics employed by many companies today, relatively little effort has been devoted to examining an interaction effect between promotion cues and promotion duration. Therefore, this study aims to examine how promotion cues and promotion duration will jointly affect consumers' attitudes toward promotions and purchase intentions. Research design, data, and methodology: The present study conducted an online experiment through the Qualtrics program in which a total of 141 participants were recruited from the Cloud panel members in the U.S. The experiment employed a 2(promotion cue: best-seller vs. limited edition) x 2(promotion duration: long vs. short) full factorial between-subjects design. Result: In the condition of best-selling sales promotion cue, a long promotion duration induced more positive promotion attitude and higher purchase intention, while in the condition of limited-edition sales promotion cue, the use of a short promotion duration contributed more positive promotion attitude and greater purchase intention. Conclusions: Marketers need to take the congruence between promotion cues and promotion duration into full consideration when designing effective sales promotion strategy.

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

3. Experiment

4. Results

5. Discussion

