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KCI등재 학술저널

치유를 바라는 마음

The Desire for Cure: A Critical Approach of Simcheongjeon in Disability Studie

DOI : 10.17090/kcwls.2024..48.5
  • 129

한국 고전문학계에서 심청전에 관한 비판적 연구가 활발하게 진행되는 가운데, 심청전을 장애학 이론과 접목하는 연구는 상대적으로 미진하였다. 이 연구의 목적은 <심청전>을 장애학적 차원에서 접근하여 심청전 속 치유 열망에 관한 학술적 논의를 개진하는 것이다. 이에 심청전의 서사 배경에 기반을 둔 장애학적 접근을 시도했다. 구체적으로 <심청전>에 나타나는 여러 장애 관련 논의 가운데, 본 논문은 심봉사와 심청이 갈망한 치유의 맥락을 살펴보았다. 치유 논의에 관한 장애학적 이해를 돕기 위해 장애 정의에 관한 문제를 먼저 살펴본 뒤, 맥락에 따른 분석을 진행했다. 심청전이 발표된 조선시대의 배경을 이루는 유학 질서를 바탕으로 치유를 바라는 마음을 재조명함으로써, 심봉사와 심청의 치유 열망이 현대 장애학의 개별적(의료적) 모델에서 전제하는 치유와 다른 의미로 해석될 수 있음을 확인했다. 이상의 논의를 바탕으로 치유 논의에 관한 맥락적 이해가 필요하다는 사실을 제시하였다.

This study comprehensively analyzes the desire for cure exhibited by Sim-Bongsa (Sim the Blind) and Sim Cheong in the traditional Korean folktale Simcheongjeon. The two main characters' desire to regain eyesight is a central plot device, driving them to make irrational decisions. Specifically, while Sim the Blind pledges a donation of 300 sacks of rice despite his impoverished financial circumstances, Sim Cheong commits suicide by jumping into the Indang Sea as a sacrifice. Cure discourse in disability studies has been controversial in interpreting the desire to regain eyesight, a part of the desire for cure. Especially, the social model of disability, which frames the notion of disability as a social construction, mainly recognizes that disability occurs due to societal discrimination and exclusion rather than individual impairment; the yearning for a cure is difficult to justify. This paper argues that understanding Sim the Blind's desire to regain sight solely as a desire to be non-disabled risks missing the rich narrative context of Simcheongjeon. From a context-based perspective, this research rediscovers the desire for a cure by considering the settled world in Simcheongjeon. On the one hand, in terms of historical context, modern clinical medicine and medicalization were notably absent in the Joseon dynasty; people more believed in the power of sincerity to take on the transcendental positive response. Thus, the cure narrative in Simcheongjeon does not directly adhere to the logic of current biomedicalism nor ableism. On the other hand, in terms of the mind context, Sim the Blind and Sim Cheong had a heart of compassion, which was introduced by Mengzi. This nature is an essential part of their desire. From this understanding, the desire for a cure could not be considered as an intentionality of overcoming or pitying disability. The findings of this study confirm that the desire for healing portrayed in Simcheongjeon cannot be simplistically categorized as part of a disability medical model or disability social model. Instead, it necessitates careful interpretation within the story's context. Analyzing the desire for a cure in Simcheongjeon enriches the critical analysis of the traditional folktale. It also highlights its potential as a valuable academic resource for contemplating complex issues within disability and Korean literature studies.

1. 서론

2. 장애의 모델들

3. 치유를 바라는 마음

4. 결론
