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KCI등재 학술저널

1인가구와 소형주택 간의 공간적 관계 분석

The Analysis of Spatial Relationship between One-person Households and Small Housing Supplies

DOI : 10.21447/jusre.2024.15.2.4
  • 39

The object of this analysis was to analyze the spatial relation between one-person households and small-housing supplies in the Seoul Metropolitan City area. By analyzing the spatial relationship between one-person households and small housing supply, it is supported to promote a housing supply policy that meets the demand of one-person households. The analysis methods are spatial autocorrelation analysis and nearest neighbor analysis. The Global Moran's I index could not identify any statistically significant autocorrelation in the year 2000, but it verified its existence in the year 2021. A hot-spot and cold-spot analysis identified the spatial concentration patterns for both one-person households and small housings. It was confirmed that one-person households and small-housing supplies were concentrated in a specific area. The one-person households are flocking to areas with a high concentration of small-housing supplies with convenient transportation to the city center. The nearest neighbor analysis of the hot-spot administrative districts(dongs) also reveals that, apart from the year 2010 compared to the year 2000 for one-person households, but from the year 2021 compared to the year 2010 for one-person households and both the hot-spot administrative districts(dongs) of small-housing supplies form clusters that are statistically significant. Although there were no statistically significant differences, a spatial concentration was observed between one-person households and small-housing supplies, as the mean shortest distance in the hot-spot administrative districts(dongs) in the year 2021 compared to the year 2010 is lower than that in the year 2010 compared to the year 2000. Collectively, there exists a spatial autocorrelation between one-person households and small-housing supplies, meaning they tend to be clustered together in specific areas. Based on these results, high-quality small-housing supplies should be provided to areas where oneperson households are expected to be concentrated. In addition, it is necessary to improve the quality of life of one-person households by improving the residential environment of small-housing supplies.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰

Ⅲ. 선행연구 분석

Ⅳ. 분석 결과

Ⅴ. 결론

