Astrocyte occupies 20%-40% of all glial cells in human central nervous system (CNS) and is important regulator of CNS inflammatory response. Astrocytes are responsible for controlling neuronal and synaptic homeostasis and playing a critical role in the maintenance of redox status. Reactive astrogliosis, astrocyte remodeling, clasmatodendrosis, and paralysis are related to Alzheimer’s disease dementia (AD). Various astrocyte biomarkers in AD have been applied. Regarding positron emission tomography imaging, radioisotopes such as [11C]-deuterium-L-deprenyl, [18F]-(S)-(2-methylpyrid-5-yl)-6-[(3-fluoro-2-hydroxy)propoxy]quinoline, [11C]-(2-(4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)-1-methyl-1H-indole) have been proposed for surrogate markers of astrogliosis. There is also now a steadily growing interest in GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) and S100 as cerebrospinal fluid and blood markers. In the future, early intervention related to reactive astrogliosis would make a clue for the early diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
서 론
별세포의 종류
별세포의 기능
별세포와 노화의 관련성
별세포와 관련된 질환들
AD와 별세포의 연관성
AD의 별세포 생체지표
고 찰