최근 검색어 전체 삭제
International Journal of Fire Science and Engineering (IJFSE) Vol. 38, No. 1.jpg

Survey and Investigation of Usage Status According to the Installation of Underground Fire Extinguisher Boxes in Korea’s Traditional Markets

Survey and Investigation of Usage Status According to the Installation of Underground Fire Extinguisher Boxes in Korea’s Traditional Markets

DOI : 10.7731/KIFSE.b70bd6a4

Currently, traditional markets are structurally vulnerable to fire because of the dense concentration of old wooden buildings with tangled wires, such as aging facilities. Particularly in traditional markets, street vendors are usually disorderly located, and nearby roads are crowded due to illegal parking and vehicles stopping on the driveway. When a fire breaks out, it is difficult for the fire truck to enter, which is necessary to extinguish the fire in the early stages and prevent it from expanding into a large fire. With modernization, the number of fires is on the decline; however, fires in traditional markets continue to increase. According to the analysis of fire statistics from January to November 2023, 49 out of 819 fires in sales facilities were in traditional markets, accounting for 5.98% of fires in sales facilities. This is an increase of about 18 cases and an increase of 2.8% compared to fire statistics of about 3.19%, or 31 out of 972 fires at sales facilities as of 2017. Through these statistics, we can observe that the number of fires in sales facilities has decreased; however, the number of fires in traditional markets has increased. Traditional markets are at high risk of accidents due to the poor management of aging facilities and the lack of safety awareness among merchants. Specifically, in the event of a fire, which is likely to develop into a large fire in a short period due to structural problems, construction of high-density shopping malls, and mass loading of highly flammable goods, raising concerns about safety issues. As these problems have continued, the National Fire Agency has developed an emergency fire extinguisher box that could be buried underground in districts requiring fire prevention reinforcement, such as traditional markets and dosshouses. On January 20, 2018, and on May 2, 2018, ten units were first installed in the Seoul area. In this study, we conducted a survey on the current status of underground fire extinguishing systems boxed in traditional markets to identify the merchants' perceptions and analyze the operation of underground fire extinguishing systems boxed in the market.

1. Introduction

2. Main Body

3. Survey Results

4. Conclusions

