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KCI등재후보 학술저널

지역특화 대학영어교육 수요 창출방안으로서 교육발전특구의 공동교육과정 고찰

A Study on the Joint Education Curriculum in the Special Education Development Zone As a Way to Create the Demand for Regional College English Education

DOI : 10.61131/cc.2024.5.1.31
  • 136

Over the past 20 years, many local governments have designated and run special education zones, such as regional special zones and educational internationalization zones, prioritizing English education, but not cooperating with local universities and local industries, so the effect of fostering regional human resource in residency type has not been visible. This article proposes creating demand for regionalized English education as a way to realize the goals of the special education development zone system, such as strengthening the glocal of public education and fostering regional human resource in residency type, and considers the grounds and methodologies for universities to participate in the joint curriculum. To this end, the preceding English education programs that were introduced in regional and special education zones are introduced one by one. In addition, the effect of field participation and practical value that can be produced by college English education in the special education development zone, which is a recent special education zone policy, are discussed, and specific methodologies are sought in the joint curriculum. As a result, the researcher proposes a system that regionally specializes the contents and methods of English education through geographical and academic cooperation in the local community and then shares them by region and nationwide. In conjunction with the university support system promoted by the government and the glocal university project, it is proposed to utilize the human and material infrastructure possessed by universities in the policy of the special education development zone as a school support system centered on regional innovation.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 지역특화발전특구와 교육국제화특구의 영어교육 프로그램

Ⅲ. 교육발전특구의 대학영어교육 가치와 공동교육과정 참여

Ⅳ. 결론

