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KCI등재후보 학술저널

베트남 결혼이민자 생활 실태조사와 인권보호에 관한 연구

Survey on the Living of Marriage Immigrants in Vietnam Research on the Protection of Human Rights

DOI : 10.61131/cc.2024.5.1.73
  • 46

This study examines the satisfaction with life in Korea, family life, conflicts with in-laws, and human rights violations through a survey of the living conditions of Vietnamese marriage immigrants, and proposes research plans on how to ensure a healthy family environment for Vietnamese marriage immigrants, how to resolve the human rights violations of marriage migrants, and how to overcome the crisis family caused by the lack of communication between couples. The subject of the study was 30 married immigrant women from Vietnam to Korea. Marital conflicts, divorce issues, and domestic violence have emerged as problems for married immigrant families nationwide, but in particular, the human rights violations of marriage immigrants do not seem to be improving year by year. As international marriages are carried out through the introduction of international marriage brokers, marriage itself is chosen as an end without the opportunity to get to know the other person in reality. Therefore, marriage immigrants must unconditionally conform to and follow Korean customs and environment, and are constantly exposed to ignorance, ignorance, contempt, verbal abuse, and violence in order to survive in Korea regardless of their will. The lack of communication due to lack of proficiency in Korean has not prevented the human rights violations of marriage immigrants and has made life in Korea frustrating. Therefore, a qualitative research method was used to conduct interviews on the current status of the living conditions of married immigrants, such as entry routes, acquisition of nationality, maintenance of marriage, age, salary level, occupation, in-law conflicts, and human rights violations at home. What is noteworthy in the interviews of the research subjects is that they have a bad impression of the image of Korea because they are not treated as human beings such as ignorance, ignorance, verbal abuse and violence, and they show a habitual wary attitude to avoid being ignored when dealing with Koreans.Economic problems were found to be the greatest dissatisfaction, but not being treated humanely as a person made life in Korea even more unhappy. Based on the results of this study, it is believed that policies and changes in perception to prepare for multiculturalism still need to be improved in Korea, and that the expansion of multicultural society in Korean society is inevitable in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to develop educational programs such as parent education, couple education, and family education for international married families, and to develop specific programs that can practice social consideration and positive perception change for multicultural families, and to establish various policies so that marriage immigrants can be viewed from a broad perspective as human beings with equal and equal human rights, our family and neighbors, so that marriage immigrants can settle down and live in Korea stably.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 및 현황

Ⅲ. 연구대상 및 방법

Ⅳ. 결혼이민자의 인권 보호를 위한 개선 방안

Ⅴ. 결론

