Based on the analysis of 174 Young Startups Project Papers from university students majoring in entrepreneurship, this study aimed to identify the thoughts and characteristics of prospective entrepreneurs and derive their main agendas. Detailed information was collected on their preparation and ambitions for entrepreneurship, market research in their fields of interest, analysis of potential target users, requirements, and team management. We refined, categorized, and interpreted 84,818 words across 396 digital pages on LMS, and visualized using word clouds program. Additionally, interviews about peer learning were conducted by Zoom. The analysis revealed unique differences in students’ perspectives on entrepreneurship based on their major, academic year, and gender. Also we could find that they actively utilize AI tech with a strong spirit of challenge in the startups. Interestingly, they emphasized horizontal communication and collaboration capabilities to improve productivity. This suggests the need to consider diversity in the design of entrepreneurship incubating content and programs for generation Z technically and academically.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구 검토
3. 데이터 수집 및 분석대상
4. 분석결과
5. 결론 및 시사점