Quantum mechanics principle and other physics principles involved in light and laser therapy
Quantum mechanics principle and other physics principles involved in light and laser therapy
- 대한미용의학회
- Journal of Cosmetic Medicine
- Vol.8, No.1
- 2024.06
- 1 - 7 (7 pages)
Laser and light therapies have revolutionized the field of cosmetic medicine because of their ability to treat a range of dermatological conditions safely and effectively. However, the theoretical principles underlying these modalities have often been overlooked. To explore the key principles of quantum mechanics and physics involved in laser and light therapy. We, a team of doctors who are quantum mechanics enthusiasts, discuss the concept of wave particle duality, wherein a photon can exist in two states simultaneously, allowing for its emission and absorption during laser and light therapy. Moreover, we examined the concepts of the Pauli exclusion principle, superposition, emission mechanism, and different reactions from the absorption of light energy by skin tissue. Although these concepts are not taught in medical schools, it would be interesting to understand them. Understanding the principles of quantum mechanics and physics is vital for optimizing the clinical outcomes of laser and light therapy. Combining these fundamental principles with empirical observations and clinical experience can enhance the efficacy and safety of laser- and lightbased cosmetic interventions and pave the way for further advancements in this field.
Different quantum mechanics principles involved in laser and light therapy
Different reactions from the absorption of light energy by skin tissue
Conflicts of interest