글로컬 교육개혁을 통한 지방분권균형발전정책 동향분석
A Study on the Balanced Regional Development Policy with Decentralization through Glocal Education Reform: Focusing on the Special Education Development Zone System
- 조선대학교 국제문화연구원
- 국제문화연구
- Vol.17 No.1
- 2024.06
- 1 - 26 (26 pages)
The Government attempts to overcome the crisis of regional extinction in the name of the local era by integrating the separate operation of local autonomy and decentralization and balanced regional development policies for the past 20 years. This paper studies the background of the new policy for balanced decentralization development, discusses the differentiated significance of special education zones linked to strengthening local public education and fostering regional specialized industrial manpower, and then confirms the value as an alternative to overcoming the crisis of regional extinction through designated cases. Prior research on the integrated policy of decentralization of local autonomy and balanced regional development is considered. Next, I analyze the trends of the special education zone system that have been in line with these two policies, and discuss the differentiation of the special education development zone system currently being promoted. In addition, the phenomenon in which the two concepts of decentralization of local autonomy and balanced regional development are combined is considered through cases designated as the first pilot area of the special education development zone in early 2024. As a result, glocal education reform is defined as the completion of a stable virtuous cycle settlement system in a unified state of education and industry by strengthening primary and secondary education in the region, centering on local universities, while changing the constitution of local specialized industries to a global level. In addition, the educational development special zone has such an all-round scope and scale of the project, which sets it apart from other cases, such as the regional specialized development special education zone that has been promoted for about 20 years and the educational internationalization zone that strengthened foreign language education and international exchanges such as English. Lastly, this policy calls for the strong will and constant efforts of the Government and local governments in that the special educational development zone relies on the integration of local autonomy and educational autonomy and the cooperation of government, industry, and academy as a way to permanently pursue balanced regional development.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 지방자치분권과 지역균형발전 정책 담론
Ⅲ. 교육특구의 동향과 교육발전특구의 차별성
Ⅳ. 교육발전특구 1차 시범지역 지정사례 고찰
Ⅴ. 결론