국내 간행 한문 문법서의 부사 연구 변천사 고찰
A Study on the Adverbs of Korean Chinese Grammar Books
- 조선대학교 국제문화연구원
- 국제문화연구
- Vol.17 No.1
- 2024.06
- 51 - 72 (22 pages)
The purpose of this study is to examine the history of adverb research in Chinese grammar books published domestically by Korean authors. The reason the study was limited to Chinese grammar books published domestically by Korean authors was because it started with the creation of a vocabulary list to propose a plan for unifying school grammar in domestic Chinese character education. History of research on adverbs in domestic Chinese grammar books. Before and after the flowering period (introduction period): Acceptance of the classification system of the Masi family line. Relocation of diplomatic ties between Korea and China (ongoing period): Study of adverbs that combined Chinese grammar with Korean grammar. After diplomatic relations between Korea and China (development period): Part of the classification system of Masi Muntong Accepts Chinese scholars' lexicons such as definitions and categories of adverbs, etc. Early 21st century: stagnation period ⇒ Avoidance of Chinese grammar in school educatio
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구로 살펴본 국내 한문 교육의 부사 연구
Ⅲ. 국내 간행 한문 문법서의 부사 연구 변천사 검토
Ⅳ. 결론