최근 검색어 전체 삭제
국제문화연구 Vol.17 No.1.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

5·18 문학 담론의 전개와 과제

5·18 Literary Discourse Development and Assignment

DOI : 10.34223/jic.2024.17.1.73
  • 111

This article compares and analyzes the differences in the ways of remembering May in the May 18 novels of Gong Seon-ok, who clearly reveals his identity as a writer, and Park Sol-moe, a young writer of the generation after 1980, who novelizes the May 18th from his debut work to his latest work. do. In the tragic drama of ‘5·18’, perpetrators, victims, and observers basically appear. The guilty conscience of the perpetrator or the survivor has a different degree, but there is an excessive suspicion. In particular, in Gong Seon-ok’s 5·18 novels, only the confrontation between the perpetrator and the victim stands out, and there is no space to mediate them other than the rule that perpetrator and victim are good and evil. Park Sol-moe presents a text that is very important in contemplating the ethics of responsibility in literature ‘after 5·18’, an ethical ethos that goes beyond one's own pain to the pain of others, that is, a human being who remembers, testifies to, and solidarity with the pain of others. This article argues that in order for future May 18th novels to have vitality based on readers empathy, it is required to actively seek other orientation beyond sadness.

Ⅰ. 서론 : 문학은 슬픔 너머로 나아갈 수 있을까

Ⅱ. 자기 처벌로서의 죄의식과 애도의 불가능성

Ⅲ. 분유(分有), 기억을 나누어 갖는 것

Ⅳ. 결론 : 타
