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KCI등재 학술저널

신라 하대의 쿠데타와 대외교섭

Coups and Foreign Diplomacy in the Late Silla

DOI : 10.35160/sjekh.2024.4.46.119.

쿠데타는 체제 내 중요 권력을 가진 인물이나 소수 그룹이 갑작스럽고 불법적인 방법으로 정부를 전복하고 권력을 장악하는 정치 행위이다. 신라 하대는 쿠데타가 자주 발생했던 시기로, 155년 동안 14차례의 쿠데타가 시도되었고, 이 중 5건이성공하여 약 35%의 성공률을 보였다. 이 시기의 성공한 쿠데타로는 780년 김양상, 785년 김경신, 809년 김언승, 838년 김명 및 김우징의 쿠데타가 있으며, 이는 주로하대 초기 60년 동안에 집중되었다. 840년대 이후의 쿠데타 시도는 모두 실패로돌아갔는데, 이는 신라 국왕들이 쿠데타에 철저히 대비했을 뿐만 아니라, 중앙귀족중심의 신라 사회가 해체되어 가는 과정에서 민중 봉기 등 다양한 방식의 저항이강화된 결과로 보인다. 쿠데타로 집권한 왕들은 대외교섭을 활발히 진행하였는데, 특히 당과의 관계를 통해 정치적 안정과 국제적 정당성을 확보하려 하였다. 관련하여 선덕왕과 헌덕왕은 즉위 초기에 대당 외교 교섭에서 전왕의 사망과 자신의 즉위 사실을 의도적으로 숨기는 비정상적인 외교 행태를 보였다. 이는 쿠데타 왕권의 정당성과 정통성 결여에 기인한 것으로, 당과의 우호적 관계를 유지하면서 통치 정당성을 확보하고자 한 전략이었다.

The late period of Silla was marked by frequent coups, reflecting the internal instability and political volatility within Silla society. These events played a crucial role in shifting the power dynamics and reshaping the political order within Silla. When successful, new monarchs would actively engage in foreign diplomacy, especially strengthening relations with the Tang, as part of their efforts to overcome political instability and secure international legitimacy. Such diplomatic activities were essential for elevating Silla's international standing and establishing the legitimacy of the new monarchy both domestically and internationally. For the kings who ascended to power through coups during the late Silla period, prioritizing relations with Tang, the major power of the time, was a critical strategy in the international political environment. Friendly relations with Tang provided Silla with political support and stability, contributing to overcoming internal instability caused by coups and securing recognition and support from the international community. The dispatch of envoys to Tang by the kings who ascended through coups right after their coronation can be seen as part of this strategy, revealing Silla's intention to emphasize its legitimacy internationally and to secure internal political stability through diplomatic relations. Specifically, the use of unconventional diplomatic strategies by Kings Seondeok and Heondeok, such as intentionally concealing the news of their accession, can be interpreted as an effort to overcome the legitimacy deficit caused by the coups. The prioritization of diplomacy with Tang by the monarchs of late Silla who came to power through coups was a pragmatic choice considering Silla's position in the international political environment. The close diplomatic relations with Tang brought political stability and international support to Silla, playing a significant role in overcoming the internal instability caused by the coups. This strategy indicates Silla's efforts to secure international legitimacy and overcome the political instability resulting from the coups. On the other hand, the lack of official diplomacy with Japan suggests that Silla did not see significant benefits in diplomatic relations with Japan at the time or placed more emphasis on its relations with Tang. This indicates that Silla's foreign policy was focused on securing its position and legitimacy in the international arena, primarily through its relationship with Tang, rather than establishing formal diplomatic ties with Japan.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 신라 하대의 쿠데타

Ⅲ. 쿠데타 왕권의 대외교섭 양상

Ⅳ. 맺음말
