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KCI등재 학술저널

신라 형성기 경주 도심지구 고분군 및 생활·생산유구의 분포양상과 의미

Distribution pattern and Meaning of Ancient tombs and Remains of daily life and production in the center of Gyeongju During that Shilla was formed

DOI : 10.20292/jcich.2024.44.1

이 글은 신라 형성기 경주 도심지구 고분군 및 생활유구를 결부해서 분포양상을 초기철기~원삼국 전기와 원삼국 후기~신라 조기 순으로 검토하고 월성과 황성동·천군동 생산유구를 연계하여 공간적 의미에 접근하였다. 그 결과 경주 도심지구는 사정동 114-1번지, 교동 158-2번지, 나정유적의 수혈을 통해 초기철기에 사람이 정주했을 가능성이 크고 원삼국 전기는 탑동 1호 목관묘 등으로 볼 때 탑동 일대를 중심으로 단위취락의 형성을 시사한다. 원삼국 후기는 월성북고분군을 고정해서 분묘를 조성하였고 인접한 월성남북구역에 거주하여 이미 월성은 기원 2세기 후엽부터 3세기에는 목곽묘가 조영되고 단위취락의 조성을 의미한다. 따라서 월성북고분군 세력에 의한 월성의 사로국 국읍 역할은 늦어도 목곽묘 단계에는 시작되었던 것으로 보인다. 신라 조기는 월성북고분군을 고정해서 분묘가 공동된 묘역을 이루는 공동묘지의 양상이 가속화되는데, 평면형태는 세장화가 뚜렷해지는 한편 발천과 월성북구역을 중심으로 취락이 형성되었을 가능성도 고려된다. 특히 주거가 계획적으로 축조되어 월성축조와 함께 공간구성에 재편이 이루어진 것으로 이해된다. 월성북고분군 세력의 성장과 관련해서 생산시설에 비중을 두어 해석하였다. 즉 황성동·천군동유적의 제철유구에서 생산된 철기는 월성북고분군 세력의 원동력이 되었다. 한편 남부지구의 상신리유적에서 토기가마 2기가 확인되어 덕천리 집단으로 토기가 공급되었을 가능성이다. 하지만 토기가마와 달리 제철유적은 월성북고분군 세력의 통제에 따라 그들에게 독점운영된 것으로 판단되는데, 달천광산도 포함된다. 결국 월성북고분군 세력은 황성동·천군동유적의 제철유구 및 달천광산을 통한 철생산의 독점시장원리를 대내외 경제·정치적 성장에 형산강길 등을 공간적으로 최대한 활용했을 가능성이다

This study examined the distribution of ancient tombs in Downtown Gyeongju from the Shilla was formed, correlating them with the burial and settlement remains to analyze the early Iron Age to the early Three Kingdoms period and the late Three Kingdoms period to early Shilla period chronologically and to discuss the spatial significance in relation to the Wolsong, Hwangseong-dong, and Cheongundong sites. As a result, it is suggested that Downtown Gyeongju, particularly Sajeong-dong 114-1, Gyo-dong 158-2, and Najung, indicates strong evidence that there were human settlements there during the early Iron Age, while settlement communities were established around Tap-dong in the early Three Kingdoms period, considering Tapdong #1 Wooden Gasket Tomb. During the late Three Kingdoms period, mounds were constructed around Wolsong North Burial Cluster, while the settlers were residing in the adjacent Wolsong South-North areas. It is evident that Wolsong had already begun to build wooden chamber tombs and settlement communities from the late 2nd century to the 3rd century. Therefore, it seems that the dominating power that formed the Wolsong North Burial Cluster acted as the governing power and Wolseong was the center of Saroguk at least by the initial phase of wooden chamber tomb construction. During the Shilla was formed, the tombs were clustered in and around Wolsong North Burial Cluster, forming collective burial grounds with shared graveyards. In terms of layout, there was a distinct trend towards rectangular shapes and it has highly possible that there were large-scale settlements forming around Balcheon and the Wolsong North. In particular, the residential areas were carefully planned to reorganize the spatial layout alongside the construction of Wolsong. In interpreting the growth of power within Wolsong North Burial Cluster, emphasis was placed on production facilities. Specifically, the ironworks and pottery kilns discovered at the Hwangseong-dong and Cheongun-dong sites became the driving force behind the Wolsong North Burial Cluster's authority. Additionally, it is possible that earthenware was supplied to the settlements of Deokcheon-ri as there were two kilns discovered at the Sangsin-ri site in the southern region. However, unlike pottery kilns, it was assumed that ironworks were monopolized by the Wolsong North Burial Cluster's authority, including operations at Dalcheon Mines. In conclusion, it is possible that the authority of Wolsong North Burial Cluster applied the principle of monopoly of ironworks through the ironworks at the Hwangseong-dong and Cheongun-dong sites and Dalcheon Mines to internal and external economic and political growth and took advantage of some spatial features of the area such as Hyeongsan River Trail.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 대상자료

Ⅲ. 경주 도심지구 고분군 및 생활유구의 분포양상

Ⅳ. 공간적 의미: 월성과 황성동·천군동 생산유구

Ⅴ. 맺음말

