최근 검색어 전체 삭제
한국이슬람학회논총 제34권 2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

아랍 주요국 방산 연구

Research on defense industry in Major Arab countries: Focusing on GCC energy rich countries - Saudi ArabiaㆍUAEㆍQatar - and Egypt

  • 7

Korea has been promoting various defense industry promotion policies with the goal of independent national defense and has been increasing its arms exports. In 2023, Korea exported weapons worth $13.5 billion, ranking 10th in the world and occupying 2.0% of the market, and exported a total of more than $38 billion worth of weapons over the past three years. By maintaining this trend, we aim to become one of the top four global defense industry powers by 2027. This study aims to investigate and suggest methods to make the defense industry a major domestic industry by expanding arms exports to energy-rich GCC countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar, as well as Egypt, with the goal of becoming one of the four major global arms export countries. To this end, we will look at changes in Korea's defense industry policy, analyze the current status of the defense industry market in Arabic-speaking regions based on reliable data such as SIPRI and the World Defense Industry Market Yearbook, and suggest challenges and solutions. Arab world is of high demand for weapons due to the instability related to ongoing conflicts and threats of terrorism. In 2020, Korea exported 14% of its total weapons exports to Arab countries, increasing to at least 35% by 2022. As Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, and Egypt are carrying out military modernization projects and if If we take advantage of our strengths such as excellent performance for the price, quick delivery, and quality after-sales service, opportunities for weapons exports are expected to increase. Points to consider in order to expand arms exports are as follows: First, we need to further strengthen product competitiveness, including local production of key components in Korea. Second, We need Strategic cooperation in the defence field with major Arab countries, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Egypt. Third, For weapons exports, priority should be given to entering the global market considering the lock-in effect. Fourth, There is a need to actively respond to the checks on the K-defense industry in France, Germany and UK. Finally, interest in defense industry cooperation with Korea should be maintained through exchanges with high-ranking personnel in major defense industry partner countries in the Arab world. In conclusion, as increasing defense industry exports to Major Arab countries is a key step for Korea to become one of the top four global arms exporters, it is necessary to prepare government-wide support measures for defense industry companies and establish differentiated export strategies.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 정부의 방위산업 육성정책 및 무기수출 실적

Ⅲ. 아랍 주요국 방산시장 진출 확대 방안 연구

Ⅶ. 결론
