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Synchronous occurrence of oral squamous cell carcinoma and Warthin’s tumor: systematic review and case report

Synchronous occurrence of oral squamous cell carcinoma and Warthin’s tumor: systematic review and case report

DOI : 10.5125/jkaoms.2024.50.3.134

We systematically reviewed the literature on the co-occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and Warthin’s tumor (WT), thought to be quite rare, to help reduce misdiagnosis and improve treatment planning. For this systematic review, we searched for articles in the Web of Science and PubMed databases, analyzed relevant studies for forward and backward citations, and identified only articles reporting on the “co-occurrence” of WT and SCC. Of the 237 studies identified, 12 comprising 18 patients met the inclusion criteria, to which we added one study from our institution. Most WTs were associated with SCC in the parotid gland or cervical lymph nodes. Most patients (89.5%) underwent selective or radical neck dissection due to identification of lesions separate from the primary SCC. Despite its frequent co-occurrence with other neoplasms, WT in the parotid or cervical lymph nodes tends to be misdiagnosed as a metastatic node when SCC is observed as the primary tumor. Factors to consider in diagnosis and neck management include identification of an association other than growth or development by lymphangiogenesis and whether the patient is a smoker, a strong risk factor.

I. Introduction

II. Materials and Methods

III. Results

IV. Discussion

