최근 검색어 전체 삭제
한국건강간호융합학회지 제1권 제2호.JPG

국내 전문간호사 관련 연구 동향분석 (2014년∼2024년)

Trend Analysis of Research on Advanced Practice Nurses in South Korea

DOI : 10.69663/jkshnc.2024.1.2.1
  • 41

Purpose : The purpose of this study is to examine the research trends related to advanced practice nurses in South Korea over the past 10 years and to provide foundational data for promoting the advanced practice nurse system. Method : This descriptive survey study analyzed articles on advanced practice nurses published in Korean academic journals from 2014 to 2024. Results : Key topics related to advanced practice nurses in South Korea include delegation intent (2 articles, 8%), experiences of healthcare professionals (2 articles, 8%), and the following topics, each represented by one article (4%): perception of legalizing advanced practice nurse roles, factors influencing political competence, impact on clinical nurses' perception, examination of future prospects, leadership experiences, impact on spiritual nursing practices, difficulties and coping strategies in clinical practice, studies on structuring advanced practice nurse specialties, impact on self-concept, legal consistency studies, nursing law proposals, legal issues in proposed amendments, current status and vitalizing strategies, job experiences, roles, qualitative analysis of counseling content, frequency and importance of tasks, patient satisfaction, curriculum comparison, comparison of empowerment and job satisfaction with organizational commitment, and mediation effects of role clarity. Conclusion : Considerable attention and research are required to ensure the stable activation of the advanced practice nurse system, allowing for individualized care and high-quality healthcare services to be provided to patients.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구방법

Ⅲ. 연구결과

Ⅳ. 논 의

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언

