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『몽골비사』의 여성화자2 고찰 - 후엘룬 우징과 부르테를 중심으로

A study for the female Narrators2 of 『Secrets History of the Mongols』 - Focusing on Huelun Ujing and Burte

  • 12

This is the second study in the consideration of the female narrators(characters) of the 『Secrets History of the Mongols』, and this is focusing of Genghis Khan’s mother Huelun and his wife Burte. Femininity is Considered through these two Mongolian women in the various circumstances that arise from the loss or deprivation of their husbands. First, we researched the diligent and vigorous and sacrificial endurance of the hardships and hardships of his plundered wife, Huelun, and the maternal love, forgiveness and acceptance of the family’s neighbourhood ‑ the adoption of war orphans ‑ by solidarity and cooperation. Second, in Burte’s life, the profit and loss of the marauding marriage, the intertwining of the Ongut matriarchal to the paternal family of the Yesugei family, the alienation of Burte, the understanding of the human psyche, the compassion of the family, and the broad empathy of others, etc. The two women considered in this paper showed the power of love to bring harmony and unity to a given situation with their empathy, compassion, and ability to persuade others. From the point of view of a first-person observer, the author of 『Secrets History of the Mongols』 depicts the reality of the problem from a perspective that only the Temujin family ‑ including the adopted child ‑ can see, showing the root relationship of the struggle and toil in the special customs of nomadism, and showing the unique Mongolian woman-family love, sacrifice, empathy, and solidarity that overcomes the problematic reality through their unique personalities. From this, we can see the unique vitality, perseverance, creativity, and strength contained in the lives of women who aspired for Mongolia.

Ⅰ. 서 언

Ⅱ. 후엘룬 우징 ‑ 테무진의 어머니

Ⅲ. 부르테 ‑ 태무진의 아내

Ⅳ. 결 언
