本文欲對《蘭雪軒集》中所出現的顏色詞-特別是赤色系的顏色詞進行較為系統且全面的梳理和分析。由於《蘭雪軒集》所收顏色詞大多與道教思想、閨怨、宮怨有關, 或用作形容一般的人、事、物。因此, 本文將《蘭雪軒集》所收顏色詞大致分為形物類、女性類、宮廷類、神仙類四大類。 《蘭雪軒集》中附有大量具有道家色彩及女性色彩的詞, 是作者許蘭雪軒將自身的不遇和對生活的絕望, 轉而透入道家世界, 將精神寄託於虛幻的神仙世界, 以填補現實世界的缺憾。仙界自由自在的生活與現實世界形成了巨大的反差, 表達了作者對現實的不滿, 對神仙世界的嚮往。作者利用多樣的顏色詞形容仙界的意象, 以令人流連忘返的仙界表達出世俗生活未能享有美滿的愛情、親情及身為朝鮮女子所受的苦。
This study focused on the Color Term Red in Nanseolheonjip. Most of the Color Term Red in Nanseolheonjip were related to Taoist ideas, women’s remorse and sorrow of maids, or were used to describe general objects. Therefore, in this paper, the usage of various styles and colors written by Heo Nanseolheon were systematically studied by classifying them into four categories: Taoist description, feminine description, palace related description and general description. Heo Nanseolheon combines color terms with rich Taoist ideas, feminine ideas, and palace life, and it can be seen that through feminine colors, she transferred her unhappiness and despair of life to the world of Taoism. In addition, the image of the Taoist Immortal World was depicted in various color terms to express the beautiful love and kinship on marriage, life, and family which cannot be enjoyed in the secular life, and the tragic fate of Joseon women.
1. 前言
2. 《蘭雪軒集》所收赤色系顏色詞
3. 結語