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고려대학교 한자한문연구소.jpg

茶山·舫山 詩經說 계승 양상에 대한 예비적 검토 : 茶山의 설이 지속 및 보완된 경우를 중심으로

Comparative Study of Interpretation of the Book of Odes of Jeong Yakyong (丁若鏞) and Yoon Jeong-kee (尹廷琦)

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Yoon Jeong-kee (尹廷琦)’s Sigyeonggangui-Sokjip (詩經講義續集) succeeded Sigyeonggangui (詩經講義) and Sigyeonggangui -Boyu (詩經講義補遺), the catechetical texts between Jeong Yakyong (丁若鏞) and King Jeongjo on interpretation of the Book of Odes. In his book, Yoon, who was a son of Jeong’s daughter, examines his grandfather’s interpretation and sometimes advances his own argument. By comparing the three books, especially on the aspects of Yoon’s approval of his predecessor, we can see that even though Jeong clearly explains difficult points of the Book of Odes to the King in Sigyeonggangui and reinforces his argument in Boyu, Yoon still found room for corroboration and tried to perfect it in Sokjip. For example, this thesis shows how Yoon strengthened and proved the meaning and context of ‘麟之趾’ and ‘草蟲’ which Jeong failed to explain completely to sharp questions raised by Jeongjo. As a conclusion, we should take an overall view of Yoon and Jeong’s understanding of the ancient poetry in the consecutive flow of question-and-answer between the king and Jeong, Jeong’s supplementary commentary in Boyu and Yoon’s further research on the subject in Sokjip. That’s why comparative study of the two scholars is necessary for comprehensive understanding of their theory.

1. 서론

2. 詩經學 총론 차원에서의 비교

3. 茶山과 舫山의 詩經說 비교 검토

4. 결론

