Yisheng zhi zhuan (一声之转), mainly refer to thephenomenon of the etymological chains formed by some Chinese characters and words with same or similar initials. But nowadays this traditionalterm and its accompanying methodology are still in wide use and sometimes nearly without any limitations. This paper argues that indeed Yisheng zhi zhuan can’t help to clarify the etymon in the chain at all, so it is not scientific in modern view, which is its inherent deficiency. So modern linguists should avoid using the term, andmanage to construct a new paradigm under which to make the study of the Paronyms.
一. 什么是 “一声之转”?
二. 一声之转的流弊
三. 对“一声之转”的批判
四. 汉语语音变化的类型
五. 一声之转能否用来做同源词研究?
六. 我们的主张