최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Contemporary Social Science Research (JCSSR) Vol.1 No.1.jpg


Analysis of the Collaborative Management Model between Internal Auditing and Financial Accounting in Enterprises

DOI : 10.62989/jcssr.2024.1.1.1
  • 4

This paper explores the relationship between internal auditing and corporate financial accounting, analyzing the practical significance of their collaborative management. Through collaborative management, the accuracy and transparency of financial information can be improved, internal communication within the enterprise can be strengthened, and risk prevention capabilities can be enhanced, ultimately elevating the overall governance level and decision-making quality of the enterprise. However, enterprises currently face several challenges in implementing collaborative management, such as a lack of awareness of collaborative management, differences in professional expertise, and the absence of a unified management department. To address these issues, this paper proposes a series of countermeasures aimed at helping enterprises establish an efficient and robust collaborative management model between internal auditing and financial accounting, laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of the enterprise.


1 企业内部审计与财务会计的概念及关联性

2 企业内部审计与财务会计协同管理模式的作用

3 企业内部审计与财务会计协同管理中面临的问题

4 企业内部审计与财务会计协同管理模式的实施路径

5 结语

