최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Journal of Educational Studies (JES) Vol.1 No.1.jpg

推进类ChatGPT 技术对自闭症儿童教育的赋智赋能

Empowering Education for Children with Autism through ChatGPT-like Technology

DOI : 10.62989/jes.2024.1.1.16

This paper employs methods such as literature review, questionnaire survey, and field investigation, using a general-to-specific logical approach, and includes a visit to the Love Garden Special Education Center in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The study explores four main aspects: the application of ChatGPT-like technology (exemplified by Baidus “Ernie Bot”) in the education of children with autism, the existing problems in autism education, the issues arising from the application of ChatGPT-like technology, and corresponding countermeasures. The research analyzes problems and provides countermeasures in the context of autism education by focusing on three key aspects: the specific symptoms of children with autism, available educational resources and conditions, and the family environment, thereby leveraging the advantages of current ChatGPT-like technology to facilitate education for children with autism. Regarding the application of ChatGPT-like technology, the study primarily addresses concerns such as plagiarism and information leakage. The research aims to go beyond the traditional concept of “mainstreaming” in autism education, enriching the theoretical methods in the field of special education and promoting theoretical innovation and development.

文章采取文献研究法、问卷调查法和实地调查法等方法,使用由一般至特殊的逻辑思维方法,并走访新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市爱心园特殊教育中心。文章人类ChatGPT 技术(以百度“文心一言”为例)对于自闭症儿童教育的应用方式、自闭症儿童教育中存在的问题、类ChatGPT技术运用过程中产生的问题及对策四个方面展开研究。在自闭症儿童教育上,主要结合自闭症儿童具体症状、教育资源和条件、家庭环境三个角度展开问题分析及对策建议,充分利用当前类ChatGPT 技术的优势为自闭症儿童教育提供便利。在类ChatGPT 技术运用上,主要从抄袭、信息泄露等角度展开分析。通过该问题的研究,以期突破传统观念仅局限于自闭症教育“随班就读”的方法,促进丰富当前特殊教育领域方法的理论,促进理论创新与发展。

1 类ChatGPT 技术在自闭症儿童教育上的应用

2 自闭症儿童教育中存在的问题

3 类ChatGPT 技术运用过程中产生的问题

4 类ChatGPT 技术在运用过程中对策

5 结束语

