韩国古小说序跋中的中国小说艺术探索 - 以评论、章回体和评点为中心
An Exploration of Chinese Novel Art in the Prefaces and Postscripts of Ancient Korean Novels - Focusing on Commentaries, Chapter-novel form, and Annotations
이 논문은 조선시대 문인들의 서, 서문, 발문, 서발 등에 기록된 문장들을 통해 중국소설에 대한 인식과 문학 향유 및 비평 양상을 살피고자 한 글이다. 조선시대 중국과의 문화 교류 현상의 일단면을 고찰할 수 있다는 측면에서 본 논문의 의의를 찾을 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 논문은 두 부분으로 나누어져 전개되고 있다. 첫 번째는 한국 고소설 서발문의 전반적인 상황을 살펴본 뒤, 이들이 한국 문학사에서 어떠한 위치를 차지하고 있으며, 문학 비평에서 어떤 역할을 수행했는가 살펴 보고 있다. 두 번째는 한국 고소설 서발문이 중국 소설과 장회체(章回体) 소설을 어떻게 평가하고 있으며, 소설 평점을(小说评点)차용하여 한국의 문학 비평 수준을 어떻게 향상시켰는지를 탐구하여, 한중 양국이 문화 간 교류의 깊은 인연과 중요성을 드러내고 있다. 본 논문은 사료 분석법, 비교 연구법, 사례 분석법을 채택하여 동아시아 문학 연구에 새로운 시각과 방법을 제시하고 있다.
The prefaces and postscripts of ancient Korean novels are not only a manifestation of literary form but also a testament to the cultural exchange and interaction between Korea and China. This article explores the cultural and literary value of the prefaces and postscripts of ancient Korean novels, as well as their exchange with the art of Chinese novels. In the introduction, the concepts of “preface,” “postscript,” and “prefaces and postscripts” are defined to clarify their basic meanings and functions, laying a theoretical foundation. Subsequently, the article provides an overview of the general situation of the prefaces and postscripts of ancient Korean novels, revealing their significant position in the history of Korean literature and demonstrating their role in literary criticism. In the second part, the article explores the interaction and exchange between the prefaces and postscripts of ancient Korean novels and the art of Chinese novels, particularly in the aspects of commentary, chapter structure, and criticism. Korean literati's comments on Chinese novels show their deep understanding and research of Chinese literature, including both high praise and critical opinions. Their understanding of the “chapter structure” reveals their in-depth study of the form of Chinese novels, reflecting attention to and imitation of this unique structure. The focus on “novel criticism” further highlights Korean literati's learning and borrowing of Chinese literary criticism methods, which enhanced their own literary criticism levels. In conclusion, Through the exploration of Chinese novelistic art in the prefaces and postscripts of ancient Korean novels, this article reveals the profound origins and the importance of cross-cultural exchange between the literatures of Korea and China. It provides new perspectives and methods for the study of East Asian literature.
Ⅰ. 引言
Ⅱ. 韩国古小说序跋中的中国小说艺术探索
Ⅲ. 结语