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KCI등재 학술저널

환상을 통해 드러나는 폭력과 위반 - 옌롄커의 『일광유년(日光流年)』 연구

Violence and Violations Revealed Through Illusions - A Study on Yan Lianke's Novel 『日光流年』

DOI : 10.35955/JCH.2024.08.87.227

옌롄커(閻連科)의 소설 『일광유년(日光流年)』은 바러우산맥 깊은 골짜기에 위치한 三姓村에서 벌어지는 이야기이다. 이곳은 蓝씨, 杜씨, 司马씨의 세 성을 가진 주민들로만 구성돼 있다. 이곳에서 몇 대에 걸쳐 횡행하는 원인 모를 목구멍 병 때문에 길어야 마흔까지밖에 살지 못한다. 마을 주민들은 그 병의 기원과 예방법을 파헤치려 삼대 동안 노력을 기울인다. 산싱촌의 촌장은 短命을 해결해야 하는 갈등과 마주하게 되지만, 그 갈등은 해소되지 않고 司马蓝의 죽음으로 결론을 맺게 된다. 이러한 갈등에 직면한 촌장의 신분과 행위에 대한 분석은 이글의 출발점이자 목적이라고 할 수 있다. 첫째, 소설에서 나타나는 갈등의 분석을 통하여 중국 현대사의 야만적이었던 정치적 폭력을 비판하고 있음을 밝혔다. 그리고 소설에 등장하는 촌장과 중국 현대사는 현대중국에서 발생한 정치적 재난과 권력자를 은유하는 것임을 밝혔다. 둘째, 재난을 막기 위한 촌장의 폭력적이며 반인륜·반윤리적인 행위를 탐색하였다. 또한, 단명을 벗어나기 위한 사업을 통해 실현될 수 없는 유토피아의 환상임을 밝혔다. 셋째, 쓰마란 인물 분석을 통하여 윤리의 위반과 사죄를 살펴보았다. 그리고 이를 통하여 상실한 인간성 회복을 시도하고 있음을 밝혔다.

The theme that penetrates the “『日光流年』” is 'death'. To avoid 'death' is to protect 'life' or face 'death' proudly. As such, the topic of ‘三姓村’ is 'life and death', one big 'conflict' penetrating the entire novel. Compared to other people, it has a limited lifespan of 40 years, and no one exceeded this. Delaying the time of 'death', in other words, and increasing the time of 'life', is a task to be solved by ‘三姓村’ and the driving force of the novel. Conflict can be said to reveal the character's character and values and to grasp the subject of the novel through confrontation and conflict between characters and characters, or characters and groups and classes. In this article, I would like to focus on the conflict in the novel. First, in “『日光流年』”, conflict is 'life and death', that is, increasing the lifespan of the villagers. It is the village's 'village chief' who leads the business of increasing life expectancy. In an environment of life and death, the authority of the 'village chief' is absolute. For the villagers, his attitude appears as a sacrificial spirit and extreme violence. The spirit of sacrifice is the distribution of grains to famine. Violence is more powerful in the common goal of living over the age of 40. Especially in the value of the group, individual sacrifice is taken for granted and expressed violently. However, on the one hand, the constant challenge of the death of the villagers is the struggle for life and consideration of human development. It tries to explore human desire through the 'village chief'. Second, through conflict analysis in the novel, it was revealed that it criticized the barbaric political violence in modern Chinese history. And it was revealed that the 'village chief' and modern Chinese history in the novel are metaphors for the political disaster and those in power that occurred in modern China. Third, we explored the violent, anti-human, and anti-ethics actions of the 'village chief' to prevent disasters. In addition, it was revealed that the project to live a long life is a utopian fantasy that cannot be realized. Fourth, in the novel, the life of the protagonist '司马蓝' unfolds in reverse. I would like to analyze why I chose this narrative structure, focusing on the love of '司马蓝'. The desire for '司马蓝' to become a 'village chief' conflicts with the ethical norms of the villagers, and at the same time, love with '蓝四十' has not been achieved. I want to explore the restoration of humanity through the love of the two through the novel.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 반복되는 갈등에서 드러나는 환상과 폭력

Ⅲ. 쓰마란(司馬藍)의 위반과 사죄

Ⅳ. 나가는 말
