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KCI등재 학술저널

판화에 새겨진 시대정신, 루쉰(魯迅)과 케테 콜비츠를 잇다

Engraving the Spirit of the Age: Bridging Lu Xun and Käthe Kollwitz

DOI : 10.35955/JCH.2024.08.87.311
  • 251

본 연구는 중국의 대문호 루쉰과 독일의 판화가 케테 콜비츠의 예술적 활동과 시대정신을 비교 분석하였다. 두 예술가는 비록 서로 다른 문화권과 시공간에서 활동하였으나, 그들의 작품은 사회적, 정치적 모순과 민중의 고통을 반영하는 공통점을 지닌다. 루쉰은 목판화 운동을 통해 문학의 한계를 극복하고 민중 계몽과 사회적 변화를 추구하였다. 그의 목판화에 대한 선택은 단순한 예술적 취향을 넘어, 시대의 모순과 고통을 예술로 대변하려는 강력한 의지의 표현이었다. 특히 케테 콜비츠의 작품은 루쉰에게 깊은 영감을 주었으며, 그의 예술 활동을 확장시키는 중요한 역할을 하였다. 케테 콜비츠는 프롤레타리아의 삶과 여성의 고통, 전쟁의 참상을 작품에 담아내며 사회적 메시지를 전달하고자 하였다. 그녀의 작품은 사회적 약자의 목소리를 대변하고 그들의 고통과 투쟁을 표현하는 데 중점을 두었다. 본 연구는 루쉰과 케테 콜비츠의 예술적 유산이 시대를 초월하여 강력한 울림을 주며, 이들의 작품이 여전히 재조명될 가치가 있음을 강조한다. 또한, 이들의 예술이 현대 사회의 문제 해결에 시사점을 줄 수 있음을 제안한다. 앞으로의 연구에서는 두 예술가의 작품이 다양한 문화권과 시대에 미친 영향을 심도 있게 탐구하고, 그들의 예술적 유산을 현대적 관점에서 재해석하는 작업이 필요할 것이다.

This study conducts a comparative analysis of the artistic activities and Zeitgeist of Chinese literary giant Lu Xun and German printmaker Käthe Kollwitz. Despite operating within different cultural contexts and historical periods, their works reflect shared themes of social and political contradictions and the suffering of the masses. Lu Xun, through his woodcut movement, sought to transcend the limitations of literature and pursue social change and the enlightenment of the masses. His choice of woodcuts was not merely an artistic preference but a powerful expression of his intent to represent the era's contradictions and suffering through art. Käthe Kollwitz's works, in particular, provided Lu Xun with profound inspiration, playing a crucial role in expanding his artistic endeavors. Käthe Kollwitz's art captured the lives of the proletariat, the pain of women, and the horrors of war, aiming to convey social messages through her prints. Her works went beyond mere artistic beauty to advocate for the voiceless and depict their struggles and suffering. This aligns closely with Lu Xun's objectives in promoting woodcuts, underscoring the thematic and ideological similarities between the two artists. This study emphasizes that the artistic legacies of Lu Xun and Käthe Kollwitz continue to resonate powerfully across time, highlighting the enduring value of their works. Their art transcends personal expression, confronting the social and political issues of their times and striving to elevate these concerns through artistic expression. Furthermore, the study suggests that their artistic activities offer significant insights into addressing contemporary social and political issues. Future research should delve deeper into the impact of Lu Xun and Käthe Kollwitz's works across various cultural contexts and historical periods, reinterpreting their artistic legacies from a modern perspective. By doing so, we can gain a clearer understanding of how art can contribute to social change and progress. This study serves as a foundational analysis, aiming to bridge the gap between historical artistic movements and contemporary societal challenges, underscoring the relevance of Lu Xun and Käthe Kollwitz's art in today's world. Their commitment to using art as a tool for social commentary and change provides a blueprint for modern artists and intellectuals, reinforcing the idea that art is not only a reflection of the human condition but also a catalyst for social transformation. The comparative analysis of Lu Xun and Käthe Kollwitz thus opens up new avenues for understanding the role of art in social and political discourse. By examining the intersections of their artistic journeys, this study highlights the universal nature of their concerns and the timeless quality of their responses to the socio-political issues of their respective eras. It also underscores the importance of cross-cultural studies in enriching our comprehension of art's impact on society. Through the exploration of their shared themes and distinct approaches, we gain insights into the ways art can serve as a powerful medium for advocacy and change.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 케테 콜비츠와 민중예술

Ⅲ. 판화를 통한 연결, 루쉰과 케테 콜비츠

Ⅳ. 나오며
