This study investigates the use of English phrasal verbs (PVs) among Korean EFL learners in both spoken and written contexts by analyzing two learner corpora. The analysis begins with an examination of the 24 particles selected for this study and focuses on the frequency of PVs in both spoken and written productions. Following this, the most frequently used verbs and particles are examined separately. The PVs are analyzed collectively based on their semantic categories. The findings indicate that a greater number of PVs are evident in written rather than spoken contexts, a pattern notably different from that of native speakers. Additionally, the most frequently used particles and verbs are relatively consistent across both registers. However, some PVs (e.g., ‘concentrate on,’ ‘live in,’ and ‘focus on’) do not appear on the lists of top PVs used by native speakers. Furthermore, Korean EFL learners tended to favor semi-transparent constructions, indicating a preference for both directional and aspectual meanings over idiomatic expressions. The implication of this study underscore the importance of teaching and learning PVs for Korean EFL learners.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
Ⅲ. Data and Methodology
Ⅳ. Results
Ⅴ. Discussions
Ⅵ. Conclusion
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