최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

매기의 자아정체성에 나타난 기독교적 관점 - 『플로스 강의 물방앗간』을 중심으로

The Christian perspective of Maggie's self-identity in Mill on the Floss

DOI : 10.55986/cell.2024.9.2.149
  • 145

The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot, a 19th-century English female novelist, has been examined from various perspectives. The most illuminating perspective is that from a feminist viewpoint, particularly in relation to the heroine, Maggie. This interpretation highlights Maggie’s case while she actively protests and resists the male characters surrounding her. In other words, Maggie confidently expresses her opinions in an environment that suppress her, displaying unwavering self-esteem and resilience as she confronts the male-dominated society of her time. Maggie, a beautiful and selfless woman, is proud of her character while demonstrating an ability to consider matters from the perspective of others. From a feminist standpoint, this work can be said to imply women’s autonomy. However, the crucial aspect lies in the Christian perspective that underlies this autonomy. This understanding of this work is incomplete without grasping the Christian values woven into its fabric. This study examines how Maggie’s character develops and unfolds, considering both feminist and Christian perspectives within the context of this work. Maggie is a woman who has been wise, meek, humble, and selfless since childhood. This is related to Christian values, and in this work, many Christian values are contained.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 매기의 성장과정을 통한 기독교적 암시

Ⅲ. 기독교적 승화로 바라본 매기의 자아 승리

Ⅳ. 맺음말

