최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

대학 영작문 교육에서의 ChatGPT 활용 가능성 탐구

Exploring the Applicability of Using ChatGPT in University English Writing Class

DOI : 10.55986/cell.2024.9.2.255
  • 185

This study was conducted to explore the applicability of ChatGPT for English writing classes at the university level. The primary goal was to assess how effectively ChatGPT can support English learners in improving their writing skills. The study compare and analyze errors in English writing using pre- and post test, which conducted before and after ChatGPT-based English writing lessons. Errors were examined through error analysis and paired-sample t-tests, focusing on 75 university students who completed both pre- and post-test out of 96 participants in total. The error analysis revealed that ChatGPT was particularly influential in reducing grammatical mistakes, whereas its impact on vocabulary, expression, and structural errors was comparatively limited. Additionally, a survey among the participants indicated that participants expressed a high level of satisfaction with the English writing classes that utilized ChatGPT. This suggests that ChatGPT has significant potential as a valuable learning tool for English learners in university-level English writing education, contributing to the improvement of learners’ writing competencies.

Ⅰ. 개요

Ⅱ. 선행 연구

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 결과

Ⅴ. 결론

