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KCI우수등재 학술저널

EU REACH 이행에 사용되는 노출평가 툴의 현황과 전망

Present and Future Perspectives on Exposure Assessment Tools Used to Implement EU REACH

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2024.50.4.237
  • 89

Background: Human health and environment exposure assessments of chemicals are essential part for REACH and BPR as well as K-REACH and K-BPR. Several useful exposure assessment tools have been developed and updated to become extensively used during more than fifteen years of chemical registrations under REACH and their updates are still going on. Objectives: Evolution of regulatory tools for environment, workers and consumers exposure assessments under REACH is investigated focusing on why and how tools have been developed and updated for the future regulatory tools in Korea. Methods: REACH regulatory tools including EUSES, ECETOC TRA and CHESAR as well as built-in models SimpleTreat and SimpleBox were chosen with other frequently used Tier 1 and 2 tools. Available resources such as homepage information, background documents, related scientific reports, relevant journal publications, up-to-date lists of new version publications, release notes and user guides were reviewed extensively and summarized using easy-readable Tables and Figures. Results: SimpleTreat and SimpleBox are built-in models both for EUSES and ECETOC TRA (Environment). ECHA’s CHESAR contains ECETOC TRA (Workers) and ECETOC TRA (Consumers) as well as EUSES and ECETOC TRA (Environment) for environment exposure assessment while results of Tier 2 Stoffenmanager and ConsExpoWeb can be imported. Evolution of CHESAR from version 1 (2010) to 3.8 (2023) has focused on the compatibility of frequent updates of IUCLID, importing functionality, editability, updated use maps, harmonised conditions of use as well as updates of the built-in tools evolved according to scientific development, refinements of the tool, increased conservatism and user-friendliness. CHESAR Platform 1.0 will soon be published to serve both for REACH and BPR. Conclusions: Updates of the tools can be successfully continued by transparency of the tools, participation of industry sectors for tool refinements and tool developers’/authorities’ encouragements of partners/users to jointly innovate tools through scientific researches, tool validations and user feedback.
