최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

Evaluation of Filtration Efficiency and Inhalation Airflow Resistance of Uncertified Masks in Asian Countries

  • 78

Background: During the coronavirus pandemic, masks played a critical role in preventing respiratory infections. While the performance of masks such as KF-certified masks and N95 masks was evaluated and managed by the authorities, the performance of common masks was not. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the performance of uncertified masks in four Asian countries against certification standards (Korean KF80, KF94, and US N95). Methods: Thirty uncertified mask products from Indonesia, 20 from South Korea, 26 from Taiwan, and 30 from Thailand were purchased to perform performance evaluations. The uncertified masks included disposable dental masks, cloth masks, and children’s masks. Filtration efficiency and inhalation airflow resistance tests were conducted according to Korean KF80, KF94, and US N95 protocols. Results: None of the 106 identified masks complied with the KF94 standard. A few complied with the KF80 standard: four from Indonesia, four from South Korea, 13 from Taiwan, and 16 from Thailand. Some of the masks met the N95 standard: one from Indonesia, three from South Korea, two from Taiwan, and one from Thailand. Conclusions: Since many uncertified masks did not comply with performance standards, wearing them might not have provided sufficient protection. Performance of uncertified masks could provide critical information for next pandemic management.
