Analyzing the in-Game Movement of Players at the World Cup and Asian Cup
- Kinesiology
- vol.9
- 2024.08
- 1 - 10 (10 pages)
Purpose: This study aims to analyze the movement of players at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar and the 2023 Asian Cup in Qatar, with the aim of analyzing movement across tournaments and continents. Method: To do this, we collected and analyzed official match reports from the tournament and came up with the following results. Results: First, the Asian Cup had higher movement than the World Cup in Total Distance, Zone 1 (walk), and Zone 3 (run). Second, the World Cup had higher movement than the Asian Cup in the High Speed Runs and Sprints factors. Third, in Total distance, the Asian Cup has higher movement and South America has lower movement. In Zone 2 and Zone 3, the movement of South America is lower than the other continents. Fourth, High Speed Runs is dominated by Europe. Sprints were lower for the Asian Cup. This study compares soccer styles and playing strategies across continents and races in the World Cup and Asian Cup. Conclusion: This study was able to diagnose the performance of Asian soccer and identify areas that need to be improved in the future. We hope that this research will help Asian countries develop their training programs and tactics.
1. Introduction
2. Research Method
3. Results
4. Discussions
5. Conclusion and Recommendations
6. References