최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Kinesiology vol.9.jpg
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Breaking Silence: LGBTQ+ Athletes in the Evolving Chinese Sports Landscape

DOI : 10.22471/kinesiology.2024.9.0.11
  • 26

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to provide a critical review of existing research and explore the unique context of LGBTQ+ athletes in China. This study closes a significant gap in the literature, which is mainly concentrated in Western countries, and explores the sociocultural and political dynamics that influence the experiences of LGBTQ+ athletes in China. Through this research, we will further understand the difficulties faced by Chinese LGBTQ+ athletes and propose evidence-based strategies and policies to foster a more inclusive and supportive sports environment. We aim to contribute to the global debate on diversity and inclusion in sports, and strive to have the demands inherent in China's LGBTQ+ recognized and addressed. Method: This study employed a literature review method to analyze international inclusion of LGBTQ+ athletes, and focuses on Chinese inclusion of LGBTQ+ athletes. It explored the social, cultural, legal and political background that affects LGBTQ+ athletes in China. This study combines research results from different sources such as academic journals, policy reports, and media analysis to provide an overall perspective on the current status of Chinese LGBTQ+ athletes. Results: The results of the study show that LGBTQ+ athletes in China face severe discrimination and exclusion due to social prejudice, insufficient legal protection, and lack of policy support within sports organizations. They often face barriers such as homophobia, heterosexism, and participation. The study highlights the role of traditional cultural values, media representation and political factors in continuing to address these issues. Despite some progress, there are still significant gaps in support and awareness of LGBTQ+ athletes in China. Conclusion: Creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for Chinese LGBTQ+ athletes require legal reform, policy advocacy, and cultural change. The study highlights the importance of developing and training tailored educational programs for sports administrators, promoting positive media expression, and fostering community-based initiatives. The study calls on academics, policymakers and practitioners to work together to address the unique issues facing LGBTQ+ athletes in China and promote diversity and inclusion in sport worldwide.

1. Introduction

2. A Historical Review of the Global LGBTQ+ Rights Movement

3. The Status Quo of LGBTQ+ Attitudes in China and in Sports

4. Social and Cultural Influences: Cultural Attitudes, Media Representation

5. Implications

6. Future Research Directions

7. References
