최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Regulations vol.9.jpg
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Problems and Solution to Violence in Emergency Rooms

DOI : 10.22471/Regulations.2024.9.0.26
  • 3

Purpose: Emergency room violence has emerged as a serious social issue globally. Emergency medical personnel work devotedly to preserve the lives and health of patients, yet incidents of physical and verbal violence against them are occurring frequently. Particularly in emergency room settings, violence can lead to secondary harm, prompting this paper to explore the problems of emergency room violence and seek practical solutions. In particular, this study aims to propose security measures that can be implemented immediately in medical institutions in the event of violent incidents. Method: The research methodology of this paper requires a review of existing studies, analysis of relevant case law concerning violence in medical institutions, and a review of amendments to related laws. By analyzing prior research on violence occurring in emergency rooms, the study aims to understand the nature of emergency room violence. Additionally, it seeks to analyze case law concerning violence by patients against healthcare professionals in medical institutions, examining types and causes of such incidents. Through these analyses, the paper intends to propose enhancements to amendments in medical law and emergency medical law. Results: Legal measures should be enacted to protect healthcare professionals, and enhanced security systems should be implemented to enable immediate responses to violent incidents. This may involve deploying security personnel, installing CCTV systems, and implementing emergency call systems. Practical measures such as empowering general security guards, deploying specialized security personnel, and mandating the presence of registered security guards have been considered. Achieving these goals requires a redistribution of financial resources between healthcare institutions and national/local authorities, as well as a shift in societal attitudes toward these issues. Conclusion: First and foremost, it is essential to deploy security personnel within healthcare facilities who can take immediate action in case of violent incidents. This measure is crucial for protecting the safety and health of emergency medical staff and, ultimately, for providing better medical services to patients. To ensure the success of these efforts, collaboration among hospitals, law enforcement agencies, government bodies, and society as a whole is imperative. Sustained attention and support are also required to achieve meaningful outcomes in preventing violence in healthcare settings and enhancing overall safety and care for patients.

1. Introduction

2. Examples and Causes of Violence in Emergency Rooms

3. The Issues and Solutions for Emergency Room Violence

4. Conclusion

5. References
