최근 검색어 전체 삭제
Robotics & AI Ethics vol.9.jpg
KCI등재후보 학술저널

Analysis of AI Ethics Awareness by Gender, Age, Education Level, and Workplace : Focusing on Korean Police Officers

DOI : 10.22471/ai.2024.9.0.13
  • 36

Purpose: Artificial intelligence (AI) in Korea is bringing about innovation along with the technological development of global companies such as Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motors, and the ethics of AI are being dealt with centered on humans through cooperation between the government, academia, and companies. However, the role of the police in cybersecurity threats should also be dealt with very importantly in the development of AI, so this study aimed to analyze the awareness of AI ethics according to the gender, age, education level, and workplace size of police officers. Method: The data processing of this study was done using the statistical package program SPSS 23.0 Program. According to the purpose of the data analysis, first, frequency analysis was performed to identify general characteristics using the SPSS/PC+23.0 program. Second, a t-Test was performed to find out the difference in awareness of AI ethics according to the gender of police officers. Third, a One Way ANOVA was performed to find out the difference in awareness of AI ethics according to the age and education level of police officers. Fourth, a t- Test and One Way ANOVA were performed to find out the difference in awareness of AI ethics according to the work area and number of employees of police officers. Results: Korean police officers were fully aware of the ‘ethical and legal issues’ and ‘government responses’ of AI, but showed differences in the priority of establishing legal grounds for AI depending on gender and education level, and in the awareness of granting electronic personality depending on the size of the workplace. Conclusion: Police officers’ awareness of AI ethics is essential to securing social trust through fair law enforcement, protection of personal information, clarity of responsibility, and transparent decision-making. AI technology is expected to lead to innovation in all areas of police work, including crime prediction, facial recognition, data analysis, digital forensics, traffic management, and emergency response. Therefore, police officers’ awareness of AI ethics explored in this paper will play an important role in the changes in future police work.

1. Introduction

2. Methods of the Study

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion

6. References
