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생성문법연구 제34권 제2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

EPP-효과와 개정표찰화이론

EPP-effect and Revised Labeling Theory

DOI : 10.15860/sigg.34.3.202408.129
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This study concerns what is called the EPP-effect in natural languages, which has been so far assumed to be perfectly captured by the labeling algorithm(LA) within Chomsky's (2013, 2015) labeling theory(LT). However, it is detected in this study that there still exist so many exceptional EPP-related phenomena, including the pure EPP-effect, that cannot be explained without the PSR: S → DP VP under LT. Chomsky (2013, 2015) also implicitly ascribes the pure EPP-effect to the successive-cyclic movement, ensured by Moro’s (2000) dynamic asymmetry, which, however, comes with more complexities with regard to the feature-agreement system that LA depends upon. Hence, this study argues for a revised labeling theory, so called RLT, suggesting some new principles such as in (23), (29), (32), and (52) under the extended feature-inheritance principle previously proposed in (22). RLT proves that all types of movement for the EPP-effect are triggered only by Agree-feature agreement attributed to LA. Consequently, it comes to light that there is no pure EPP-effect, no successive-cyclic movement, no Moro’s dynamic asymmetry, and hence no residue PSR under the RLT-framework of this study.

1. 머리말

2. EPP-효과와 표찰화 연산공식

3. 기준결빙과 기준해빙

4. 순수 EPP-효과와 해빙섬원리

5. 남은 쟁점의 고려: RLT-문법체계의 일반화

6. 맺음말

