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아랍어와 아랍문학 28집 2호.jpg
KCI등재 학술저널

아랍어 이으랍 형태에 따른 의미 변화

Changes in Meaning according to Arabic ʾIʿrāb

DOI : 10.18630/kaall.2024.28.2.001
  • 118

ʾIʿrāb affects how words are uttered at the end of a word. ʾIʿrāb indicates grammatical case for nouns, while for imperfective verbs, it reflects the mood of a verb or its connective state. This article examines Arabic sentences in Quranic recitation that appear identical at the surface level (in their uninflected states) but differ in regards to ʾiʿrāb (declensional form). I show how shifts in the intended meaning of the speaker produce changes in ʾiʿrāb, such as in creating emphasis. Specifically, I inspect sentences wherein words that appear adjacent to a conjunction connect to the conjunction differently. These changes in ʾiʿrāb take place not only because of the intended meaning of the reciter but also because of the extent of governor (ʿāmil) specific to each conjunction. Nominal case markers or verb endings are not fixed in a single form. Declension is affected by governor at the sentence level, the force of conjunctions, and at times by the effect of adjacent forms (mujāwarah) or assimilation (idghām). Factors that play a role in nominal declension include positional declension (al-ʾiʿrāb al-maḥallīy), the governance of conjunctions, conjunction based on the position (al-ʿaṭf ʿalā al-mawḍiʿ), pausing (al-waqf), fronting and delaying (taqdīm wa-taʾkhīr), and the emphasis of the speaker. While this article does not extensively cover all the ways in which conjunctions may affect the declension of imperfective verbs, this paper shows how verbal declensions may vary depending on the speaker’s intended meaning.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 명사류 격 표지

Ⅲ. 미완료 동사 어말 형태

Ⅳ. 결론

