The Effect of Search Level of Information Channel on the Tourism Information Service Quality
- The International Academy of Global Business and Trade
- Journal of Global Business and Trade
- Vol. 20, No. 2
- 2024.08
- 1 - 9 (9 pages)
Purpose - Consumers prefer to utilize multi-information channel for the product with high involvement or experience-based travel-related service product. It is important to understand what information service quality dimension consumers want to know through which information channels when making travel related service purchase decisions. The findings will provide more accurate travel information regarding service quality attribute what they want. Design/Methodology/Approach - Major channels for collecting information for purchasing travel services are known as interpersonal source, field source, and the Internet sources. By understanding the information service quality significantly classified by the group with high and low information search efforts for each information channel. Findings - The results showed that the information service quality factors were different according to the level of information search for each information channel. In interpersonal information channels, it was found that customization service is the most important information service quality dimension by the high level of information search group, accessibility is the most important information service quality dimension in on-site visit channels, and convenience is recognized as the most important information service quality factor through internet channels. Research Implications - The challenging thing for next research is considering that travel-related information searches are more active today through various applications than through traditional information search channels, research on various online and mobile information search behaviors will be necessary.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Literature Review
Ⅲ. Methodology
Ⅳ. Results
Ⅴ. Conclusions