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KCI등재 학술저널

태조왕건의 출자와 고려 강역의 검토 - 2가지 출자설과 거란 책봉문에 근거하여

Review of Taejo Wanggeon’s family root and Goryo northern territory - Based on multi-family roots andKitan's tributary letters

DOI : 10.55793/jkhc.2024.21.7
  • 16

패수에 기반한 왕건의 성조 호경과 강충설화에 대한 고려사가들의 진위논쟁과 후당과 북송의 책봉교서에 ‘장회무족’이 등장한 연유를 추적하였다. 또한 태조왕건이 경애왕과 동급으로 임언을 사신으로 보내 후당과 통교한 신라천주절도사 왕봉규임을 확인하였다. 또한 그는 발해에 이어 후진을 무너뜨리고 북방의 강자로 등장한 거란의 동진東進에 맞서 북송에 요청하여 진출을 제어한 지역이 요하 동부 현토땅인 옛고구려의 강토로 태조왕건이 개척한 영토였다. 고구려의 후신을 표방했던 태조왕건이 압록강 즉 요하동쪽을 강역으로 정한후에도 거란과 국경 갈등으로 급기야 전쟁을 치룬 성종이래 요遼나라 책봉문에 근거한 전통적 고려강역은 요동지역을 포함한 한반도와 대체로 일치하는 것이었다.

Kim Gwan-eui's 『Pyeonnyeontongrok』, described that it was inevitabe that Taejo Wang-Geon was born in the background of achieved virtue and wealthy, with his ancestors Hogyeong and Kang Chung, who lived in the Paesu region(浿水), and ancestor Jakjegeon who decorated with strong Goguryeo folktale elements. Thus, there is an opinion that his family was successful Goguryeo refugees who were sent to the Ganghoe(江淮) region, on that point I also agree with that ,and the meaning of 'Janghoemujok(張淮茂族)' recorded in the tributary letter of Taejo and Seongjong sent by LaterTang and Song became the northern ancestry theory. In this paper, the author revealed that Wang Bong-gyu, the Silla Quanzhou judiciary(泉州節度使) who sent Im-Eon(林彦) as an envoy to LaterTang to pay tribute along with King Gyeong-ae(景哀王), was the Goryo Taejo through a comparison of 『Samguksagi』 and 『Goryeosa』texts, and that he was a Silla official who managed Quanzhou(泉州) in the Minyue(閩越)region at the time. The district name and official system were explained as examples. His dubious family origination was due to the fact that historians referred to insufficient Chinese records due to the Annals of the seven generations from Taejo, which were burnt out during the Khitan invasion. During the chaotic Five Dynasties era, the territory of Goryeo's region that Taejo defended during the territorial war with the Khitan was the area east of the Hondong River(混同江) where was the Goguryeo region. The Goryeo region, based on the Khitan's tributary letter from Seongjong to Yejong, even changed with the times, but was generally from the eastern area of Yalu River(鴨綠), through Sanggyeong Yongcheonbu(上京龍泉府), to Seonchunryeong(先春嶺). For this reason, it is thought that the phrase ‘一隅連陸, 輻員之廣, 幾於萬里’ may be record in the preface to the geography of 『Goryeosa(高麗史)』.

1. 머리말

2. 왕건의 가계와 출생지 고찰

3. 태조 이후 고려 강역의 검토

4. 맺음말
