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KCI등재 학술저널

李氏朝鮮 官撰 地理書로 보는 韓國 歷史地理認識의 起源 - 『新增東國輿地勝覽』을 중심으로

Origin of the Korean territorial conscience showed by official geography book in the Joseon dynasty - Focus on Shinjeungdonggukyeojiseungram

DOI : 10.55793/jkhc.2024.21.131
  • 13

현대 한국 역사지리인식의 기원을 규명하기 위하여, 『신증동국여지승람』 을 중심으로 이씨조선의 관찬 지리서를 분석하였다. 『신증동국여지승람』은 이씨조선의 성리교 종교국가 체제가 완성되던 시기인 서기 16세기에 성립되었고, 그 내용에는 시대적 배경에서 비롯된 정치적 목적이 반영되었다. 동북방 경계에 대한 인식은 혼미해졌고, 이씨조선의 건국이념인 ‘기자조선’ 중심의 정통성론에서 소중화사관이 발현하였다. 『신증동국여지승람』에서 확립된 역사지리인식은 이씨조선 후기와 일제시기를 거쳐 현대 한국까지 이어지면서, 한국에서 흔히 ‘식민사관’이라 칭했던주류적 역사지리인식의 기원이 되었다.

This study analyzed the official geography books of the Joseon dynasty, focusing on Shinjeungdonggukyeojiseungram. It is to investigate the origin of Korean territorial conscience. Shinjeungdonggukyeojiseungram is an official geography book of the Joseon dynasty. It was compiled in the early 16th century. The Joseon dynasty introduced Neo-Confucianism in earnest from the reign of King Sejong in the 15th century. King Sejo, King Yejong, and King Seongjong established a Neo-Confucian order. It was done through brutal punishment and destruction of cultural heritage. Neo-Confucianism became the actual state religion of the Joseon dynasty from the reign of King Seongjong in the late 15th century. So, Shinjeungdonggukyeojiseungram was influenced by Neo-Confucianism. Neo-Confucianism included Sinocentrism, and the ruling class of the Joseon dynasty was possessed by Sinocentrism. They entrusted their legitimacy to the Chinese dynasties. Therefore, they have forgotten the perception of lost territories that are not likely to be recaptured. As a result, Korean territorial conscience was trapped inside the Korean peninsula. Some Koreans believe that the loss of their territorial conscience is due to Japanese colonialism in the 20th century. Indeed, there are some similarities between Sinocentrism and Japanese colonialism.

1. 用語의 定意 - 現代 韓國의 歷史地理認識과 ‘식민사관’

2. 『新增東國輿地勝覽』의 性格

3. 『新增東國輿地勝覽』의 歷史地理認識 檢討

4. 現代 韓國 歷史地理認識의 起源과 性格
