The Demand and Cultivation of International Talents Amidst the Belt and Road Initiative: Anticipating the Upcoming Decade
- 아시아사회과학학회
- Journal of Asia Social Science
- Vol.11 No.3
- 2023.12
- 9 - 21 (13 pages)
The implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative has necessitated a heightened demand for regional and national talents who possess a profound understanding of the national conditions of the participating countries. Upon examining the distribution of Chinese students pursuing overseas studies, it becomes evident that they predominantly gravitate towards western developed nations, with relatively fewer opting for the countries encompassed within the Belt and Road route.The pursuit of overseas education to foster region- and country-specific talents holds distinct advantages, and we must amplify our support for students studying in the countries along these routes. By doing so, we can nurture a greater pool of such talents, thereby catering to the requirements of the ongoi
1. Introduction
2. Distribution and reasons for the destination of Chinese international students
3. The Belt and Road initiative urgently needs regional and country-specific research talents
4. The urgency of accelerating the cultivation of regional and national talents
5. Suggest increasing support for studying abroad in countries along the Belt and Road initiative